Monday, 11 September 2023

ArtsLab Episode Guide

ArtsLab Episode Guide:

Series 1 (53 episodes, numbered 0 to 52)

Ep. 0: Two Hour Launch Special (23 September 2015, 14:00, programme lost/not recorded)
Ep. 18: A Curious Feeling Special
Ep. 30: Star Wars Day Special
Ep. 33: Journey To The Centre Of The Earth Special
Ep. 46: Eldorado Special

Series 2 (53 episodes, numbered 0 to 51)

Ep. 0: Experimentation (26 October 2016)
Ep. 1: New
Ep. 2: Old
Ep. 3: Leaves
Ep. 4: Zodiac
Ep. 5: Lines
Ep. 6: The Sun
Ep. 7: Cycles of Time
Ep. 8: Birth
Ep. 9: Blue
Ep. 10: Mountains
Ep. 11: Words
Ep. 12: Dinosaurs
Ep. 13: Love
Ep. 14: Gateways
Ep. 15: Ancestors
Ep. 16: The Moon
Ep. 17: Sweden
Ep. 18: Mystery
Ep. 19: Furniture
Ep. 20: Chemistry
Ep. 21: Descendants
Ep. 22: Tuesday
Ep. 23: Space
Ep. 24: Insects
Ep. 25: The Letter D
Ep. 26: Borders
Ep. 27: Trees
Ep. 28: Crystals
Ep. 29: Cars
Ep. 30: God
Ep. 31: Computers
Ep. 32: Birds
Ep. 33: The Dark Ages
Ep. 34: Medicine
Ep. 35: Africa
Ep. 36: Codes
Ep. 37: Mirrors
Ep. 38: Film Noir
Ep. 39: Tokyo
Ep. 40: Underground
Ep. 41: Fruit
Ep. 42: Modern Philosophers
Ep. 43: Memory
Ep. 44: Chess
Ep. 45: Money
Ep. 46: Snow
Ep. 47: Carpets
Ep. 48: Time
Ep. 49: Police
Ep. 50: ArtsLab: The Opera: I, Leviathan Part 1
Ep. 51: ArtsLab: The Opera: I, Leviathan Part 2

Series 3 (12 episodes, numbered 1 to 12)

Ep. 1: Open Theme (8 January 2018)
Ep. 2: War
Ep. 3: Soil
Ep. 4: Dawn
Ep. 5: Spirals
Ep. 6: The Planet Mars
Ep. 7: Fish
Ep. 8: Hunger
Ep. 9: Australia
Ep. 10: Pink
Ep. 11: The Number Six
Ep. 12: Endings & Beginnings (simultaneous broadcast with the first ArtSwarm)